Friday, October 17, 2008

London Bridge is ugly

I'm in London! Huzzah! I didn't manage to get a hold of Symon and I felt the travel-itch to get moving on, so on Tuesday night I took an over-night bus from Glasgow to London, England. The bus arrived at about 8am in London, at which point I found my hostel and chucked my bags into the luggage storage room, and then met up with my Aussie friend Chris that I had met in Edinburgh. I must say, I'm quite proud of my sightseeing abilities, because on Wednesday we rocked London! Chris and I walked a total of about 23 kilometres and saw the following things:
The National Gallery
Buckingham Palace
The Palace Gardens (they have black swans!)
The Princess Di Memorial Walkway
Trafalgar Square
Big Ben
London Bridge (which is actually really friggin ugly)
Tower Bridge
London Tower
The London Eye
Maggie Blake's Cause (a famous hooker street)
Tons of old buildings, street performers, proper cops, mounted police, and whatever else we passed on the way. It was the world's longest day of walking and sightseeing but it was so, so very fun and at the end of the day I was more tired that I possibly have ever been! The absolute best thing that we saw, and the thing that completely rocked my life, is the Globe Theatre! Now I'm trying as hard as I can to be frugal, but I had to pay for a tour of the Globe, because to me that was like a Catholic going to rome. It was amazing, and so beautiful, and so historically accurate, and so filled with amazing theatre vibes! I was in heaven! And as I told many a friend I would, I licked the wall! Bwah ha ha!
After walking from after 8am to about 8pm, I came to the Hostel, actually checked, had a much needed shower, and spent the rest of the night playing scrabble as a drinking game (somehow) with Chris, until he had to take the tube back to his Cousin's place, and I full-force crashed.
Yesterday wasn't quite as eventful as Wednesday, but I met up with Chris again, who is now my official London travel buddy, and we went and saw this big parade-thing in Trafalgar Square for the Olympic Athletes from GB. It was okay, but we were really far back. After that we went to Lester square, Camden market, horribly failed trying to find Greenwich market, and then met up with my friend Nikki. Nikki is an OSSSA high school friend of mine who just happens to be in the process of moving to London and literally arrived days before I did! Heck ya! The three of us went to the Museum of London and spent hours walking around that enormous space, then we went to Tesco (my favourite GB grocery store) to get some fixings for a good ol' hostel ghetto-dinner. After that we walked around for awhile, then Nikki went home, Chris and I watched Venture Bros in the lounge, then Chris went home and I read Twelfth Night before tucking in. Reading Shakespeare in London- so cool!!!
So far today I've just come over to Chris' cousin's to use their internet for free, haha, and worked on booking a different hostel for tonight, because my hostel is way too expensive. The plan for today is to meet up with Nikki and our friend Cassie and then go to Abbey Road, yay!

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